Privacy policy
Dear customers, we would like to inform you that the "REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data" Insieme srl, as the “owner” of the treatment, in accordance with article 13 of the GDPR, pertanto, provides you with the following informations:
Purposes of the treatment
Our company will treat your personal data given for the purposes strictly necessaries for the activities alle attività come as shown in the release. Your data will be used for transmitting informations and sales from Insieme srl (Conad Nuoro Biscollai, Nuoro Viale Europa, Olbia, Macomer, Ottana, PetStore Nuoro, TrediciZeroUno).
Methods of the data treatment
The personal data given from you, including your presence in images or audio/videos, will form treatment operations according to the current legislation and the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and confidentiality to which our company. Your data will be treated with computer systems or with paper supports or with all other types of appropriate supports, while respecting the security measures.
Requirement or not of the agreement
The provision of your data is optional. The missing agreement will not allow the use of the images and/or of the audiovisual footage of the person concerned for the purposes stated before.
Communication and dissemination of data
According to the limits relevant for the purposes of the treatment previously stated, your personal data (images and audiovisual footage) could be object of communication, publication and/or dissemination in any form on social networks (in particular on our facebook page, instagram page profilo instagram and in any other means of dissemination on and off-line (prints, brochures, magazines or newspapers).
Owners e responsible of the treatment
The owner of the treatment is Insieme srl – Loc. Biscollai, Nuoro. the persons allowed for the treatment and those responsible for the treatment are regularly identified and duly appointed.
Rights of the interested party
The agreement for the treatment of the personal data is optional. At any time you can exercise all of the rights shown in the articles from 15 to 22 and in the article 34 of the GDPR, in particular the deletion, the correction or the integration of data, with written notice to be sent to Insieme srl – Via Gramsci 2, Macomer.
Retention period
The data collected (images, videos, etc) will be stored in our company's computer files and the purposes of pubblications are of an informative/promotional purpose other than institutional use of our company. The data collected will be stored in the archives so that we can have a historical memory of the events and of the activities for possibles periodical publications. The verification of the obsolescence of the data stored in relation of the purposes for which they have been stored is performed periodically.